It's been a strange week-lots of highs & lows.......Sunday saw John and son James head off 3.5 hrs North for the Dobermann Club of France Regionale d'Elevage Delegation Pays de Loire & Poitou with the Demon delinquent Dita, whilst I stayed at home in my new capacity of Carer for the Elderly-namely looking after & caring for our two Golden Oldies-Phoebe (or Phoobie-doo as she is affectionately known as ) and Mia (Mia Mousse).
I had a Phonecall mid-morning informing me of yet another success-1er Ex.Jeune Femelle N/F which translated means 1st Junior Black & Feu Female graded Excellent!
She really is doing us proud as she steadily matures into a quite Beautiful young Lady-despite becoming naughtier by the minute here at home.Yet another Trophy for the growing Collection.....
Alas,the happiness subsided as one of my dreaded Migraines took hold later that evening (must have been all the excitement) and started to pound away at my brain,rendering me pretty useless so far this week as it is still with me though in a lesser form than at first. Which explains the lack of listings for a few days as the Computer Screen doesn't exactly help matters.I havn't had a really bad Migraine for quite a long time-I just hope they're not back to haunt me as despite any form of specialist medication,they don't tend to respond to any of it. I've even had MRI scans on my head before now (yes,apparently there IS a Brain in there somewhere-despite my Blonde hair on top)!
I have been dashing in and out to avoid the showers thismorning in an attempt to Photograph the latest batch of goodies....whilst Dita has been dashing in & out making a mockery of John's attempt to help me by hanging washing out on the line-as fast as it's been going up in the breeze it's been seen disappearing like a blur past the front door as she attempts to dry it for him in her mouth whilst racing round the garden with sheets & towels wafting in the wind behind her from her jaws......oh what did we ever do to deserve this?!!
One of the things she didn't get her paws on was this huge Antique Lace Throw with glorious Cherubs abound..........
and so I will endeavor to get myself back into work-mode so I can tickle your Shabby-Chic tastebuds with more delightful finds......see you soon!