
Tuesday, 11 November 2014

The Future............

We apologise to all our faithful band of Followers & Treasure Hunters for the Lack of any Blog for quite a while now but our lives have been so very busy what with our Brocante Antique Vintage French work and the other Project close to our hearts-the Future of our Dobermann Kennel here in France. 

As many of our regulars will know, we have built up our Pedigree Line here from new European stock after over 30 years combined Breeding,Showing & Judging experience back in the UK.and the Future is looking bright! So without further ado-let us introduce you to the Future.......

Our beautiful Dita presented us with this gorgeous litter three weeks ago and it's been all hands on deck ever since!
I have had to be content staying in and caring for these beautiful little people (oh such a terrible drudge!!)whilst John has been busy toiling away at the Brocantes,sending me photographic evidence of all that's available so I can say yay or nay via the computer and help him choose what to bring home for all our lovely while I'm not there in Body I'm certainly there on the end of a phoneline,isn't technology wonderful! I have to say he's doing good! He's doing REALLY good bless him!
Some Fantastic Tapestries found at the weekend....available on our Auction Site right now....

The effect is almost 3-D....Stunning!
Intermingled with a little gorgeousness.....Ooohhhh!
Obviously these Treasures are not on our Auction Site!
This will not be a long blog-as it's Feeding time soon,but just to say we havn't dissappeared-far from it.The blog will continue to be accessible from Links from Etsy,items are added daily....

And of course Halloween has been and gone again..... Beautiful Granddaughter decided to dress up as a Busy little Bee for her school Halloween beautiful did she look?!!
Anyway,must  fly myself,so we will be back soon on a more regular basis hopefully,filling you in with our news  and new items,in the meantime,wishing you all a good evening!

Wednesday, 10 September 2014


Our friendly shhhhh,you-know-who Internet selling site proved not so friendly after all and after 2 years or so of adding our link to our Blog on our listings for all our customers to enjoy reading about our exploits in and around France, (and we have SO much feedback from you it's just lovely) we have been banned from adding it........such spoilsports who actually stopped us listing for a week as punishment! The CHEEK of it-it actually encourages custom which in turn creates revenue for the hierarchy-but they weren't playing neither are we and will NOT knuckle under and be ruled by an organisation who doesn't give two hoots about faithful sellers.....we will be looking for other outlets for our items,one of which is already doing very well here on their biggest rival site thankyou very much! We will go where we are appreciated It won't be long before they alienate all their sellers and they all jump ship for friendlier climes! and it will SERVE THEM RIGHT!

Meanwhile,it's business as usual and off we went in search of treasure.....

this week in a wonderful forest setting.......with the tallest trees providing shade from the hot sun for sellers and buyers alike....

Obviously full of Wildlife at some point during the year as this huge Hunting Post proves......

We had a slow and leisurely stroll around as I am still having to take things steady following my recent emergency operation,and would like to take this opportunity to massively thank all our genuine and wonderful customers who stood by us when things were becoming a little chaotic for John who not only had to hold the fort all on his own but run a business and see to our canine family,aswell as visit me daily in hospital for nearly two weeks-(an hour drive each way) all time consuming and reducing his time in the day dramatically for him to get everything else done.It really took its' toll on him and he was just my rock throughout it all. Our customers sent so many messages of support and their patience throughout has been amazing....of course there will always be the odd couple who don't believe you have any right to be taken ill at a minute's notice and are just concerned purely about their parcel and nothing takes all sorts I suppose!
and so life goes on,and leisurely strolls can sometimes be more productive than mad morning dashes with torches in the dark!....

It never ceases to amaze me what can get overlooked in the mad frenzied early morning dealer dashes,folk are so eager to find things that they miss half the treasures that are still there!

 I mean how could ANYONE miss this?! One of the most beautiful display stands we've come across yet-with no less than ELEVEN different bevelled mirrors!
We had entered the International Luxembourg Show with the gang way before I was ever rushed into hospital so it was decided at the last minute that I felt well enough to travel-after all,I wasn't going to be driving or handling the dogs-poor John,hat was all up to him!
Esto and Dita just needed to win their second CACL for their Champion titles,and it was OH so close but they both won 2nd in their respective classes and the reserve CACL's...oh well-there's always next time!!
And they came home with even MORE trophies for me to dust!
and finally...My Lovely friend Sharon who runs her own amazing Greetings Card & Wedding Stationary Business ( sent me this beautiful get well card with the Russian Princess on the front-it was so beautiful it made me cry! Dashuta has had a new custom-made pink Bling leather collar made recently as she has grown out of her cheap plastic puppy number and Sharon Blinged it up on the card-it is decorated with genuine Swarovski Crystal Elements and sparkles like diamnonds-Sharon is the only person Licensed by the company to use them this way in France! Certainly one to keep and frame....!

so I bid you Au revoir until next time!.............

Monday, 21 July 2014

Very Busy Bees.....................!

 It's been non-stop as per usual in our busy,busy lives hence the lack of a new blog....
Two weeks ago we were looking forward to browsing one of our favourite local Brocantes but the weather has been very unkind on weekends recently,though it has been glorious throughout the weeks! When the weekend arrives -it seems the heavens have opened and ruined a lot of people's hopes of a good selling for buyers like us-it has been equally disappointing-good job we have stock to fall back on!
This particular venue is in the grounds of a huge Abbey.....
 with fantastic gates..........wouldn't mind these myself!

Such a shame and a poor turnout of ever-hopefuls....this field is usually so crammed with stalls you can't move up the walkways.....
Shortly after these photos the heavens just opened and basically that was the end of THAT!
a bit different from previous years.......
Oh well!
And so last weekend saw us whizzing off to meet up with friends again on our Annual trip to the Luxembourg Dobermann Club Trophy Show-where our fabulous Dogs did us proud once again......
and my friend Claire brought my can't live without supplies from the UK-Including my Heinz......
A salad is just not a Salad without Salad Cream!!
Our Fantastic Boy Esto continued his winning ways,freah from gaining top honours at the French Dobermann Club a month ago he AGAIN won Open Black Male and the CACL -We're so PROUD of this boy!
It was a poignant reunion too with Idol-his half brother, our Lodger from last year-do you remember?!
Just look how he's GROWN!!!!
it hardly seems possible it's the same dog!.....
We kept a little distance between them for obvious reasons as they're both big boys now!
And as for the Russian Princess-at only her second ever Show she showed like a dream and gained a 3rd Graded Excellent (the highest) in a class of 11 very beautiful young females.....I was over the moon!
Our friend Claire fell in love with her and wanted to take her NO!
& our beautiful Dita,whom we seem not to have taken any photos of for some unknown reason (poor dita) gained a very respectable 3rd Graded Excellent in a strong Open Female class,so here she is in the garden at home....with her beloved red KONG... 
 Since our return from Luxembourg we have been busy taking Esto for his training work towards his French Title,so Whilst James is still with us I have been rooting for something a little different to put on the site...from Jewellery....

Believe it or not I found this in a Sewing box amongst cottons and is diamonds & we think a Pink very pretty...
A beautiful Mosaic Brooch will soon be on site....along with other beautiful pieces ....
So keep watching-new items being added daily!
See you soon.......!
 (This Billboard Image was my friend's revenge after I pinched her oversized Ralph Lauren Sunglasses for a laugh-I don't know how she wears them without falling over......-her way of getting me back for taking the mickey!)
Au Revoir...!!

Thursday, 3 July 2014

This beautiful Country.............

Yesterday saw us travelling through the most picturesque of areas on the way to our Dog Training lessons with the gang......Montsoreau is a Stunning Riverside Village and on the list as one of the Plus Beaux Villages de France-it really IS Plus Beaux!...............breathtakingly so........

There are Chateaux everywhere in this beautiful region of the Pays de La Loire....

I would live to live here! But  then everywhere we go in France I see places I would love to live really is such a Beautiful Country.....
Training went well again for Esto.......
he was introduced to the "sleeve" and got the hang of it almost immediately.......though I must admit I was glad it was the trainer having 45 kgs of dog lunging at his arm and not me-I would have gone down like skittles.........!!

one of our friends came with us this week with her brown female who has had some training before,so was much more advanced...but as you can see,they so enjoy themselves.......!

After training had finished it was lunchtime so we stopped at a beautiful rest area nearby......overlooking the amazing Abbey de Fontevraud.......where apparently you can follow the nocturnal wanderings of Nuns if you so wish on wednesday is one of the largest Monasterial Complexes in Europe and quite stunning.......

Such wonderful peace and tranquilty watching the fields of gold swaying in the breeze whilst munching away on my bowl of chicken salad...sheer bliss!Oh and the bells tolled at dinnertime just for added effect which resounded across the valley...gorgeous..!
and so from there we rang some Vendor friends of ours in the Vienne and journeyed across to see what delights they'd been saving for us.We happened upon them at a Brocante at the weekend and they asked us to their home to view some treasures they'd put to one side for us as we'd gone to two other Brocantes before landing at our normal hunting ground on Sunday and missed some wonderful textiles by arriving moments too late...I spied some very desirable  items in the back of their van only to be informed I was too late and so started having screaming fits when they told me they were already sold!...(Ggrrrrrrrr!),so with that in mind they had invited us privately to their home for first choice of new stock-THAT's how I like it-BEFORE it even gets to the Brocantes! So inevitably I came away with a smile on my face........
and so I must get the camera working before it gets too hot to go out and photograph some more Treasures.....A Bientot!