When I pulled this huge beautiful Tapestry out of our stockroom this weekend in order to photograph and list on site,I started to do a little research on the signature to the Lower right hand corner....D'apres Alonzo Perez....imagine my surprise when I discovered he was an artist born in Zaragosa in Spain-where we went a few weeks ago to exhibit the dogs!!! What a conicidence! Featuring stunning scenic patternation and superb Boder this really is a beautiful piece full of faded Grandeur-I wonder which Chateau wall it may have graced as it certainly is quite Large for a normal sized abode!
The muted colours are really quite neutral for any Vintage Colour scheme or decor requiring French Influence-this certainly has it in abundance with its' grand buildings & wonderful characteristic ambience....
For those of you who are not familier with our site you can find this gorgeous piece here....http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Huge-Rare-19thC-Antique-French-Renaissance-style-Tapestry-dApres-Alonzo-Perez-/171250083339?pt=UK_Antiques_AntiqueTextiles_EH&hash=item27df4ce60b
Yesterday saw us out in the sunshine,strolling around the Tree-lined avenues of a glorious City a few hours drive south.....I LOVE my work!
We picked up a few new bits & pieces and today I will start to photograph them to mix in with what I already have lined up for this week-weather permitting of course.I love to stroll at my leisure,browsing the stalls,stopping for an Espresso and a pastry (the diet starts today also!) as strolling at my leisure isn't going to lose the extra pounds put on over the tempting festive season when everything was too tasty to resist! I still have an addiction to raspberries though,and as they are one of my five a day fruit and veg I can make excuses.......
As if that wasn't temptation enough,John walked in the house with this midweek-Look darling what I've brought you"...how can a girl say no?!
Actually I DIDN'T eat it all to myself (John doesn't like raspberries)...I took the remains of the pie and shared it with Valerie when we went to visit our "Grandson" ...the Special One...who was 7 weeks last week.......oh what a beautiful boy he has turned out to be...infact he's simply stunning...!
we are bursting with pride at what our Esto has produced....
He is going to his new home this coming weekend and I'm sure I will have withdrawal symptoms not being able to visit him on a weekly basis,though we will be kept informed of his progress by his new mum on a constant basis which is nice of her.
So Valentine's day came and went-it was our 11th Anniversary on the day.....gosh,you don't get that for murder do you?! Seriously I wouldn't swop him for the world-he's my absolute rock.....
and we seemed to have a Red theme going on last week for Valentine's......some beautiful Rouge treasures.....
But of course they've now been snapped up by some lucky customers...but there's plenty more Treasure for your perusal this week,lots more yummy things to ponder over.....
A Petit Jolie gilt toleware casket coming your way soon...
also some lovely Antique Carved Rosary Beads from Lourdes.....
this delightful Antique Lace Cafe curtain...
I could go on and on but better still-just visit our site!....
so I'd better be off and get listing all the new delights...see you soon!