
Thursday, 29 May 2014

Up with the Lark...(and a few Deer en-route)......!

It was an early morning Rise today,up with the Lark and a few Deer en-route,-as if it wasn't enough having one  leaping across the road  infront of the van on occasion whilst driving to the first Brocante of the day,but there was this rather Large Face waiting to greet us when we got there........!

It was very pleasant today,but it so seemed like any other Sunday morning-except it was Thursday.......
Now it doesn't take a lot to confuse this blonde at silly o'clock but I just kept forgetting all day that it wasn't the weekend and we still have that to look forward to! Yawn.......zzzzzzzzzzzz

I just love strolling around as the sun rises,all nice and calm and peaceful,birds singing,taking my time just browzing in boxes and on Tables.....finding all sorts of bits and pieces....LOVE it!

This was the view from the "Office Window" as we climbed back in the van and set off to the next one.......:0)
Having chosen our items from the first Brocante and having had a break inbetween for an Espresso and an Apple Turnover freshly baked,dusted with Icing Sugar & still warm...mmmmm, we stopped en-route as always for the fur-babies to stretch their legs .......this forest was just perfect,and James, John's youngest son who's come to stay with us for a few weeks, took the Russian Princess for a stroll...........

Some lovely Textiles yet again today...what IS it with me and Textile lately?!

I have some gorgeous Fabrics,Lace and Passementerie Trims coming up as soon as I get chance to photograph it all, inbetween waiting for that all important call from the UK  telling me my second Grandchild is on its' way,only a week to go now till the due-date and it's getting very the pair of them dared to risk flitting off to the Lake District last weekend to a friend's wedding so close to their own impending arrival is beyond me!....but didn't they look gorgeous....?!
Anyway,it's been scorchio here again today and Esto decided it was time for the shades to come out.......

our friend thought it was so funny (erm.... Dad didn't when he realised he was running round the garden with his best Oakleys hanging round his neck)...that she created this new Image for him...and with that I bid you farewell until next time.....Au Revoir!

Monday, 12 May 2014

Striking more ways than One!

Nothing could have prepared us for Esto's latest Conquest.........
Thursday was yet another Bank Holiday here in France and we travelled north to just outside of Paris to the Chateau Flins sur Seine where the 41st National D'Elevage Championship Show of the Dobermann Club de France was being held in the grounds.
Dita and Esto were both Entered in their respective Open Classes-Adult Female Black and Adult Male Black as they are now 3 yrs and 2 yrs old this year.
The French Title of Champion is one of the hardest to achieve in Europe within the Dobermann Breed as it comprises of both Beauty and Working Qualifications.There are only two chances per year to gain the CACS-One of such requirement  awards for the title-at the National Show & the Championnat Show. 
Esto not only won his Class with an Excellent A Grading-the highest achievable but went on to challenge all the other class winners to win the CACS! To say we are thrillaed is an absolute understatement

It's been heavy going lately.......!
Apart from carrying it all back to the van-Try polishing that lot!
We've been to some really lovely places over the past few weeks.....makes work all that more pleasant in such lovely surroundings....

By 7.30am we're always ready for a sit down and an Espresso and Croissant! Whew! Sometimes we have to walk for seemingly MILES back to the van laden with goodies-it's tiring stuff this!
We have some lovely new finds plus LOTS of stock-so time permitting it will be listed as soon as we can but we have lots of projects going on at the same time and seem to be running round like headless chickens lately.Thanks so much for our customer E-mails,it's really touching some of the things you say (special thanks to Susan and Maggie for your very kind words) and we are very grateful for all your continued support  and appreciation of what we try to achieve for you in the form of choice.......x

some of the delights coming your way and/or currently available-message us for details....:0)

I'm off now for a cup of Rosy Lea.......yes can you believe the French are catching on to the fact that Yorkshire Tea is the best brew! This was our breakfast yesterday morning........


Thursday, 1 May 2014


Well today is a Bank Holiday here in France so another excuse for hundreds of  extra Brocantes,so of course we were up with the Lark to see what we could find.......It is also traditional to give Lilly of the Valley to loved ones and there were many bouquets for Sale.....

As for finding treasure-we've had a good day......:0)

We made many trips back to the van with our finds....and will be listing it all during the coming weeks,time permitting....

It never ceases to amaze me what people are prepared to part company with......!

beautiful Tapestry Textiles.....

Just some of the delights which will be finding their way onto our site soon. Our Mayday expedition finished locally at the Village Square where we picked up good old English Fish & Chips-(yes,right here in France!)-a reward to ourselves for all our hard work! 

Finally....This Stunning Image is by the Painter Eugene Delacroix(1798-1863) entitled La Liberte Guidant le Peuple-Liberty guiding the People, painted in caught my eye whilst trawling the Internet for something completely different-oh how I would love to find such Artwork on our travels! One can only dream I suppose..... Au Revoir!