
Wednesday, 21 December 2011

Festive Family Birthdays............

12 months ago....on a Snowy Night in December, 5 weeks before the due date, my little Princess Granddaughter Erin made her entrance into this world,catching her Nanny out because SHE had just returned to France after visiting the family & precisely planning her next trip which was to arrive in the UK two weeks BEFORE the due date-nothing EVER goes to plan does it?! So this time, in our eagerness to get it right on the visiting front,with first birthday party looming, my dear other half mistakenly booked me on my outward flight from Limoges TWICE on the same flight!(either that or he was VERY determined to get rid of me!)

Anyway-the reason there has been no blog is that although I have been merrily attending Xmas Playgroup & Birthday parties-I did take my laptop with me but left the charger & leads behind as my darling puppy Dita was merrily munching away on them whilst I was trying to pack my case-and as a result of removing said leads from her mouth & moving them to a safe place,-duly forgot them and left them behind in France.Oh well-I am back now and ready to catch up with my work. I have just had a delve into the first box of tricks I have come to.......... 

......and found this old Petit School am off to see what other delights I can uncover to tempt you with once more. Strangely enough-we have a Vintage School Uniform dress on Auction at the moment,they sort of go together don't you think?! Anyway,it is so close to that special day where we all down tools and feed ourselves silly with Turkey and all the trimmings-we would like to wish all our customers old and new a very Happy time and Best wishes for a Happy & Prosperous New Year!

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